Organizational Reports & Policies

Annual Reports

OHC publishes an annual report every year detailing accomplishments, Community Award winners, and activities from throughout the prior year. New reports are usually issued each summer and cover the prior calendar year. Older Annual Reports are available by request, please contact the Executive Director or call (440) 503-8210.

Strategic Plan 2024-2028

We are excited to share the Oberlin Heritage Center’s next strategic plan, which will guide our work and energies through 2028. This plan was crafted over a 15-month period with input from OHC members, community members, Lorain County residents, volunteers, trustees, staff members, and more, with assistance from the Center for Community Solutions. The plan was adopted by the OHC Board of Trustees
at its meeting of December 6, 2023. The following pages present the core goals and objectives set forth in the plan. Additional subtasks were identified and are available in a more detailed version by request.

IRS Form 990

Tax-exemptĀ non-profit organizations are required to annually submit Form 990 to the IRS.Ā  The document contains information about the organization’s finances, governance, and program andĀ service offerings.Ā  The Oberlin Heritage Center’s form was prepared by Barnes Wendling, CPAs and we are happyĀ to shareĀ this public document on our website.

O.H.I.O. and Subsidiaries Audit

An audit is conducted by Barnes Wendling, CPAs annually in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Below are audits of the Ohio Historical and Improvement Organization (dba Oberlin Heritage Center) and its subsidiaries (Vineway, LLC and OHC Properties).


Statement on Racism

Non-Discrimination Policy

For additional policies, please contact the Exucutive Director at director@oberlinheritage.orgĀ 
or (440) 774-1700.