by | Jul 23, 2015 | Abolition
by Ron Gorman, Oberlin Heritage Center volunteer docent, researcher, and trustee July 23, 2015 In my last blog, I wrote about how Juneteenth became a national celebration of the end of slavery in the United States. But before there was a Juneteenth, there was the...
by | Apr 2, 2014 | Abolition, Reconstruction Era, Women's Rights
by Ron Gorman, Oberlin Heritage Center volunteer docent In 1850, a young African American couple from Oberlin, acclaimed as up-and-coming spokespersons against slavery and racial injustice, gazed with optimism towards a future of bright hope for themselves, their...
by | Jul 7, 2013 | Abolition, Reconstruction Era
by Ron Gorman, Oberlin Heritage Center volunteer docent “Oberlin commenst this war. Oberlin wuz the prime cause uv all the trubble.” Thus spoke the Reverend Petroleum V. Nasby, one of the most well-known American cartoon characters of the Civil War era. ...