Current Work Opportunities
The Oberlin Heritage Center is an equal opportunity employer. Applicants with diverse backgrounds and experiences are strongly encouraged to apply.
All work positions are currently filled.
There are currently no positions available at OHC. If you are still interested in working with us, please check our volunteer and internship pages for more opportunities. Internships are only available to college and high school students.
Approved by the Board of Trustees March 1, 2017
The Oberlin Heritage Center is committed to providing a museum experience and programs in which everyone feels welcome and safe to learn about Oberlin’s nationally significant history and to access historical resources. The Oberlin Heritage Center does not and shall not discriminate – and will not tolerate – discrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, gender expression, sexual orientation, age, disability, political affiliation, marital status, pregnancy, citizenship status, military status, genetic information, medical condition or on account of any other basis prohibited by City, State, or Federal law.
The Oberlin Heritage Center is an equal opportunity employer. It is our strong belief that equal opportunity for all staff members is central to the continuing success of our organization. We cultivate a work environment that encourages fairness, teamwork and respect among all staff members. We are firmly committed to maintaining a work atmosphere in which people of diverse backgrounds and lifestyles may grow personally and professionally. We will not discriminate based on any of the factors listed above in hiring, promotion, demotion, training, benefits, transfers, layoffs, determinations, recommendations, rates of pay or other forms of compensation. Opportunity is provided to all staff members on the basis of qualifications and job requirements.
Other Opportunities
Consider volunteering or interning with us. Though sometimes unpaid, these positions will allow you to learn about museum work and history from the staff of a nationally-accredited small history museum.
Hundreds of people generously donate their time and skills to our organization every year. They give tours, serve on committees, balance the cash drawer, help us preserve buildings and artifacts, answer phones, prepare bulk mailings, do research, and perform many many other essential tasks.
Students from Oberlin College and other area colleges have worked for us in a variety of capacities: as volunteers, Bonner Scholars, work-study students, and summer interns. Students gain valuable skills and knowledge during their work here. Interns participate in a variety of tasks – they give tours, help staff our office, assist with research projects such as the Oberlin Historic Inventory and the Oberlin Oral History Project, catalogue and care for collections, help at special events, and maintain history resource databases. Students from all areas of study are encouraged to apply–you need not be a history major (although you certainly may be)!